DC Comics will launch a new six-issue miniseries titled Batman: The Adventures Continue, which will be set in the same world as the acclaimed animated series from the ’90s. The show’s co-creator, Paul Dini, is teaming up with fellow producer Alan Burnett, and artist Ty Templeton to create a new series for DC.
Batman: The Adventures Continue will take place shortly after the events of The Animated Series. Tim Drake will be a still-fresh Robin, and Batman is still spry and in his prime, years before the events of Batman Beyond. But the series won’t be all about the future.
“We’re going back to cover certain gaps in the original series,” says Alan Burnett. “Events that didn’t have bearing on the series at the time, but do now. In other words, there will be secret histories that will turn Batman’s world upside down. Things that no one knew were out there, until now.”
Batman: The Adventures Continue will be a digital-first six-issue mini-series, and its first instalments will be released in April 2020. Batman: The Adventures Continue #1, the first full print issue, will collect the first two digital chapters, and hit shelves on 6 May.
“We’d gone from Dick Grayson to Tim Drake, and we had left out Jason,” said Paul Dini. “What we’re doing with this is looking at this as a chance to go back and acknowledge that was a part of the animated Batman’s history. For the first time, you’re going to see that story and you’re going to see what happened in that relationship. So, it’s our chance not only to do Jason Todd but also the Red Hood.”
Dini confirmed that Jason Todd will be appearing in the new comic series, along with a few other characters including Azrael and Deathstroke, who never made it into the animated series will show up in The Adventures Continue.