Daily Archive: Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Winsing Animation’s ‘Dairy of Dinosaurs’ to hit the big screens on May 1st
Winsing Animation has announced that Diary of Dinosaurs is roaring ahead with a theatrical release in China, debuting in cinemas May 1. The 90-minute CG family feature is a comedy action-adventure about a family of herbivorous dinos striving to defend their homeland. The movie follows star agent intern Woody...
Netflix to create musical animated shorts on bestselling children’s book ‘Antiracist Baby’
Netflix is creating a series of musical animated shorts for young viewers based on bestselling children’s book Antiracist Baby by historian and antiracism scholar Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Kendi is executive producing children’s TV writer/producer Chris Nee (Doc McStuffins, Vampirina), who has an overall deal with the streaming platform....